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The Big Leap...Taking Life On

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Listen to to the entire Episode 64 of Out to Launch on Spotify or Apple or read the highlights below.

Have you ever felt like you know there is something more for you, you know that you aren’t tapping into your full potential. But then at the same time you wonder if you have what it takes and are scared of failure? I was stuck in this space for a really long time and it was really the source of so much of my anxiety and unhappiness because being in between wanting to go for it and fear of failure is not a fun limbo to be in.

This episode shares about a book called The Big Leap by Gay Hedricks. In a nutshell this book asserts that there is only one barrier in the way of us finding happiness and fulfilment so that as individuals we can achieve our highest potential. The one barrier is called the Upper Limit Problem.


Every week (or so!) there is a new episode released to help people learn how to start a business, a new project, or start that new chapter in life. The Out to Launch podcast is brought to you by Cutclass, a company designed by and for those exhausted from the rat race, MBAs, ex-executives, subject matter experts, and creatives. We will help you transition into your dream of achieving full-time freedom and turning your passions into a rewarding, thriving business.

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